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List of options


The following are the list of options:


Value type Requirement Default value
ushort optional null

Gets or sets the index value of the assertion consumer service. If this is populated, it will override the Callback, AssertionConsumerServiceUrl and the ResponseProtocolBinding values. Only the 'AssertionConsumerServiceIndex' will be sent for the AuthnRequest.


Value type Requirement Default value
Uri optional

Gets or sets the assertion consumer service URL value. This will override the CallBack value. If the 'AssertionConsumerServiceIndex' is populated, the Callback, AssertionConsumerServiceUrl and the ResponseProtocolBinding values will not be sent within the AuthnRequest.


Value type Requirement Default value
Saml2AuthenticationBehaviour required (already set by default) Saml2AuthenticationBehaviour.RedirectGet

Gets or sets the authentication method value indicating whether [authentication request signed].The default value is 'HTTP-Redirect'


Value type Requirement Default value
string required (already set by default) Saml2

Gets or sets the authentication scheme. A different value may be assigned in order to use the same authentication middleware type more than once in a pipeline.


(Inherited from AuthenticationOptions)
If true the authentication middleware alter the request user coming in. If false the authentication middleware will only provide identity when explicitly indicated by the AuthenticationScheme.


(Inherited from AuthenticationOptions)
If true the authentication middleware should handle automatic challenge. If false the authentication middleware will only alter responses when explicitly indicated by the AuthenticationScheme.


The HttpMessageHandler used to communicate with remote identity provider. This cannot be set at the same time as BackchannelCertificateValidator unless the value can be downcast to a WebRequestHandler.


Gets or sets timeout value in milliseconds for back channel communications with the remote identity provider.


Value type Requirement Default value
PathString required (already set by default) /saml2-signin

The request path within the application's base path where the user-agent will be returned. The middleware will process this request when it arrives.


(Inherited from AuthenticationOptions)
Gets or sets the issuer that should be used for any claims that are created


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create metadata file or not. If set to "true" and there is no existing metadata file in the DefaultMetadataFolderLocation then the middleware will create the meetadata.xml file.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool required (already set by default) true

Gets or sets the cookie consent as essential or not it overrides the Cookie policy set. This is needed when signing in.


Value type Requirement Default value
string optional (already set by default) wwwroot

Gets or sets the default metadata file location.


Value type Requirement Default value
string optional (already set by default) Metadata.xml

Gets or sets the default name of the metadata file. The default value of this folder is "Metadata.xml".


(Inherited from AuthenticationOptions)
Additional information about the authentication type which is made available to the application.


Value type Requirement Default value
string optional null

Get or sets the text that the user can display on a sign in user interface.


Value type Requirement Default value
PathString optional /

Gets or sets the default redirect URL. This URL is used by the SP to redirect the user back to after they log out.


Value type Requirement Default value
X509Certificate2 optional null

Gets or sets the encrypting certificate. This is used to decrypt the encrypted assertion. Only RSA is supported.


Value type Requirement Default value
string required null

Gets or sets the service provider entity identifier.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional (already set by default) false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether authentication is required for every request.


Value type Requirement Default value
ushort optional null

Gets or sets the location of the IdP single sign on service index. if null, the first SignleSignOnService location with configured protocol binding will be used.


Value type Requirement Default value
ushort optional null

Gets or sets the location of the IdP single logout service index. if null, the first SingleLogoutService location with configured protocol binding will be used.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is passive. There are a few common ways to re-authenticate a user with IsPassive=true. For example, Integrated Windows Auth (Kerberos) and x509 Cert Based Auth can both be done w/out visibly working with the user's experience. If combined with a ForceAuthn = true and IsPassive = true in the AuthnRequest, it should force the identity provider to re-authenticate the user if both conditions can be met.


Value type Requirement Default value
Saml2LogoutBehaviour required (already set by default) Saml2LogoutBehaviour.RedirectGet

Gets or sets the logout method.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool required (already set by default) true

Gets or sets a value indicating whether [logout request signed]. The 'LogoutRequest' message SHOULD be signed or otherwise authenticated and integrity protected by the protocol binding used to deliver the message.


Value type Requirement Default value
TimeSpan optional (already set by default) null

Gets or sets the max_age. If set the max_age parameter will be sent with the authentication request. If the identity provider has not actively authenticated the user within the length of time specified, the user will be prompted to re-authenticate. By default no max_age is specified.


Value type Requirement Default value
Saml2MetadataXml optional null

Generates the metadata file when CreateMetadatFile=true.


Value type Requirement Default value
string required null

Gets or sets the identity provider metadata. This can be an address or an xml file location.


Value type Requirement Default value
NameIdPolicy required new NameIdPolicy
Format = NameIDFormats.Unspecified,
SpNameQualifier = null,
AllowCreate = true

Gets or sets the name identifier format. This is needed to perform logout and SLO.


Gets or sets the time limit for completing the authentication flow (15 minutes by default).


Value type Requirement Default value
PathString optional null

Gets or sets the remote sign out path. Requests received on this path will cause the handler to invoke SignOut using the SignOutScheme.


Value type Requirement Default value
RequestedAuthenticationContext optional null

Gets or sets the requested authn context.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the IdP requires Https.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a bool value indicating that the Identity Provider must have the message signed. This needs to be set on the IdP side.


Gets or sets the response logout binding.


Value type Requirement Default value
Saml2ResponseProtocolBinding optional Saml2ResponseProtocolBinding.FormPost

Gets or sets the response binding from the identity provider to the service provider. The response protocol binding can only be HTTP-POST or HTTP-Artifact. HTTP-Redirect is not allowed per standard as the response will typically exceed the URL length permitted by most user agents (browsers).


Value type Requirement Default value
string optional (already set by default) Saml2

Gets or sets the name of the saml2 cookie.


Value type Requirement Default value
PathString optional (already set by default) Saml2

Gets or sets the remote sign out path. This is used by the IdP to send back to after it logs the user out of the IdP session.


Value type Requirement Default value
X509Certificate2 optional null

Gets or sets the signing certificate. If present the outgoing requests will be signed using this certificate. The identity provider should be aware of the this public certificate. Both RSA and ECDSA is supported.


Value type Requirement Default value
HashAlgorithmName optional HashAlgorithmName.SHA256

Gets or sets the name of the signing certificate hash algorithm.


Gets or sets the authentication scheme corresponding to the middleware responsible of persisting user's identity after a successful authentication. This value typically corresponds to a cookie middleware registered in the Startup class. When omitted, SignInScheme is used as a fallback value.


Gets or sets the signed out redirect URI. This URI can be out of the application's domain. By default it points to the root.


The Authentication Scheme to use with SignOut on the SignOutPath. SignInScheme will be used if this value.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional true

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use token lifetime.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate artifact. This will validate the incoming SAML artifact value if HTTP-Artifact was set as protocol binding.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate audience.


Gets or sets the valid audiences.If not set the service provider entity Id will be used.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate issuer.


Gets or sets the valid issuers. If not set the entityId from the IdP will be used.


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional true

Gets or sets the bool responsible for signature validation true to verify the signature only; false to verify both the signature and certificate (it'll do the chain verification to make sure the certificate is valid).


Value type Requirement Default value
bool optional false

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require signed assertion.